Week #11 Results

A couple of Big winners this week.   Scotty takes 4 holes for $16 moving into 6th place.  Joe L takes2 holes and low net for $16 putting him in a tie for the top of the leaderboard.  Phil takes two hole for $8 and Jeff take 1 hole for $4 to retain the top of the leaderboard.

Tournament next week.  Details to follow.

Hole by Hole Summary

Hole #1- Push Gary, & Joe L

Hole #2 – Win $8 Phil with a Birdie

Hole #3 – Win $4 Joe L with a Par

Hole #4 – Win $4 Joe L with a Birdie

Hole #5 – Win $4 Scotty with a Par

Hole #6 – Push Gary, Brian B, Brian C, & Kerry

Hole #7 – Push John, Jeff & Jim

Hole #8 – Win $12 Scotty with a Par

Hole #9 – Win $4 Jeff with a Par

Low Net – Win $8 Joe L with a NET 28

GolferFrontHole 1Hole 2Hole 3Hole 4Hole 5Hole 6Hole 7Hole 8Hole 9GrossNetWinnings
Ken65846545754943 $-
Matt66535445654337 $-
John95455854644637 $-
Phil97345645664637 $8.00
Jeff106546664544636 $4.00
Gary125449736955240 $-
JoeL135433645564128 $16.00
BrianB186695547865638 $-
JohnE137667655775643 $-
Scott156556455584934 $16.00
Kerry167556538755135 $-
George176556646875336 $-
Brian188678647866042 $-
Jim187564655885436 $-