Week #17 Results

After a Week #16 rainout – people came out to make a run for the sweater with some good golf.    Birdies everywhere.

Scottie takes $20 with Hole #1 and a Birdie on #5.  Gary Birdies Hole #3 and Takes Hole 9 for $15 to move into 2nd place.  Joe L Keeps his winning ways taking $15 to retain the top of the leaderboard.  Jim takes two holes for $10 and John rounds out the winners with $5 with a Birdie on #7.

3 of the top 5 on the leaderboard have never worn the sweater.  The final week begins.

Still $363  left in the pot to win.   

We will have the last night party at Bradford again.   

Hole by Hole Summary

Hole #1 – Win $15 Scott with a Par

Hole #2 – Push Phil, Jeff, John E, Scott & Brian 

Hole #3- Win $10 Gary with a Birdie

Hole #4 – Win $5 Joe L with a Par

Hole #5- Push Matt, John, Phil, Joe L, Jim & Larry

Hole #6 – Win $10 Jim with a Par

Hole #7 – Win $5 John with a Birdie

Hole #17 – Win $5 Scott with a Birdie

Hole #18 – Win $5 Gary with a Par

Low Net – Win $10 Joe L with a Net 33

GolferBackHole 10Hole 11Hole 12Hole 13Hole 14Hole 15Hole 16Hole 17Hole 18GrossNetWinnings
Matt67556445785145 $-
John95546473854738 $5.00
Phil97444454664435 $-
Jeff107445535584636 $-
Gary115628646754938 $15.00
JoeL136554534774633 $15.00
BrianB1877568657106143 $-
JohnE146477764875642 $-
Scott155556866465136 $20.00
George167647657875741 $-
Brian186576667565436 $-
Jim1810679535775941 $5.00
Larry187766546775537 $-